Friday, July 16, 2010

Re: [Yasmin_discussions] [Yasmin_an] Announcing new discussion topic on the subject of "The hybrid city as an interface"


Thinking about the recent posts on augmented reality platforms, the need for
critical approaches/statements by artists as well as about the reference to
*They Live* movie, the very interesting project of the *Artvertiser *came to
my mind.

Artvertiser has been created by Julian Oliver, Clara Boj, Diego Diaz and
Damian Stewart and has been set up in metropolises like Madrid and
Berlin. Participants
in the Artvertiser project can view during a walk in the city center
advertisements being replaced by art, by wearing the projects' binoculars .
(More here:<>)
So while social behaviours and public attitudes are being transformed
through the new opportunities for contribution, participation and
interaction given by social web platforms and augmented tools, projects such
as the Artvertiser call for a re –thinking of the image of the post fordist
/networked/ capitalist city that we are inhabiting. Augmented reality is
being used as it seems not only to subvert the advertisement info
pollution found in contemporary cities but also to comment on the use of
technology itself. And while applications like Layar may prove to be to a
great extent precious new tools for companies to advertise their new
products, art projects like the Artvertiser seem to take us to a new
"improved reality" - as its creators frame it.

A "traditional" question however pops up again when discussing such issues:
Whose city are we talking about when we refer to the use of augmented
reality for the urban environment? Is it about a technologically privileged
class (that includes a precarious creative class with in it) or can the
outreach be broader? Can augmented reality projects be used to
involve/address different social groups? Would be interesting if such
examples could be also brought up.


Daphne Dragona
cultural [net]worker & mediator
m: +4917699027880
skype name: dapdra
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