Monday, January 13, 2014

Re: [Yasmin_discussions] YASMIN 2014= water is in the air ?

Hi Roger, Nina and Yasminers

Thanks for your message and forward. I'm visiting family on holiday and I have sporadic access to the net, so message take a little longer.

Recently I started working on the theme of water, largely influenced by Dr Te Huirangi Waikerepuru, a Maori Kaumatua (elder) who places great importance on water. In Maori the word for water is 'wai' which also means flow. There are multiple ways that wai is important to Maori. Flow as a subject is central to chaos and complexity, and connects quantum theory to chaos theory.

At ISEA 2011 in Istanbul I curated (with Nina Czegledy and Trudy Lane as advisors) an exhibition which looked at five themes across Western and Maori belief systems. The themes were Cosmological context (galaxies, stars and planets as part of the picture); all is energy; anthropic principle; integrated systems and life emerges from water. It was found that when interconnections were sought, they were indeed there across the cultural knowledge boundary. This is the subject of a short paper soon to be published in Leonardo. It was also very interesting to see in so many works, some reference point to water.

Following this, for ISEA 2012 Albuquerque, I curated a selection of works entirely themed on Wai. This was truly international. The artists included Mumbai video director Sharmila Samant who has often worked on themes of water; Andrew Thomas a Navajo (or Dineh) musician from Albuquerque; Josephine Starrs and Leon Cemielewski from Australia; Aotearoa New Zealanders Darren Ward a Maori musician, Julian Priest, Te Urutahi Waikerepuru, Andrew Hornblow; and the Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences of New Zealand. All created work based on water, wai, or to' (the Dineh word), or flow.

Water is one of a set of subjects that embraces cultures and ideologies well. It has a central place in integrating all things according to Maori and is recognised in the West as essential to life. The supply and demand for water can be told across economic, political, sociological and geological spheres. Water appears in the heritage of intelligent machines, as clepsydra or water clocks, which attained extraordinary complexity.

The theme of SCANZ2015, a residency, exhibition and symposium in Aotearoa New Zealand is to be water and peace. It is unconventional in Western thinking to combine two such elements, but among indigenous groups the two are linked. There is a World Indigenous Forum on Water and Peace, of which Dr Waikerepuru is a board member.
There is a potential that water as a subject could form a strong linkage across cultures, that might impact favourably environmental issues. We are looking at multiple ways that people can engage with water and peace, presenting works along a meandering river, in public space and in a botanic garden. Online there would be a potential for writing on the subject to be published around the time of SCANZ (January 18-February 4 2015). This process has started and there is a category for the ideas around water and peace, that has only three entries currently but is expected to build over the coming year:

I'm look forward to discussion on this thread.


Ian M Clothier

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-----Original Message-----
From: czegledy []
Sent: Fri 1/10/2014 3:12 AM
Cc: roger malina; Ian Clothier
Subject: Re: [Yasmin_discussions] YASMIN 2014= water is in the air ?

Dear Yasminers,

Water and Peace is the theme for SCANZ2015.

I am posting the call for this event in January 2015
and copy this message to Ian Clothier for his comments.

all the best


>Dear Yasminers
>I am the yasmin moderator beginning this evening and
>your moderators for the following weeks are
>January 13 - January 19 Monica Bello/ Guillermo Munoz
>January 20 - January 26 Soussi Housine/ Dimitris Charitos
>I thought I would start 2014 with a seed topic of the art, science
>and technology of water
>i spent christmas in california which recorded in 2013 one of the worst
>water droughts in history and am on my way to dallas which is an unsustainable
>culture in the long run as climate change happens and the drought spreads in
>the american south west
>Annick Bureaud and I are working on finalising an ebook with Leonardo
>collected articles related to the art/sci/tech of water that will include
>the papers from the STUDIOLAB "Water is in the Air" workshop
>in Marseille= the videos are up at
>and the papers are in the latest issue of leonardo journal
>In dallas is a show called "Aqua-culture" curated by
>Henry Sanchez at the Dallas MAC
>details below
>i look forward to news from other yasminers on their
>involvement with the art/sci/tech of water !
>roger malina
>AQUA-CULTURE, a group exhibition curated by Henry G. Sanchez featuring
>Zach Moser and Eric Leshinsky of Shrimp Boat Projects, Brenda Perry,
>Irene J. Klaver and Henry G. Sanchez, showcases artist initiated
>projects that contribute to the widening discussion of the issues
>surrounding the uses, management and engagements with water sources,
>water ways and water bodies. The participants of this exhibition
>produce work by employing interdisciplinary practices and
>participatory forms of social engagement and collaboration with a
>philosophical inquiry into exploring an inter-relationship with a more
>aquatic-centric culture. By combining non-art related expertise with
>the expertise of the artist, the exhibition allows viewers to reframe,
>experience and re-imagine complicated local and global water issues.
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